Friday, August 24, 2012

Ciao Italia!

It seems like ever since I got back from Paris, I've been gearing up for my semester abroad in Florence, Italy. This time around, I'm not studying fashion, but rather taking classes as part of NYU Florence. Classes don't begin until next week, but in the mean time, I'm taking a small vacation.

I arrived in Florence on Wednesday after transferring planes in Frankfurt. My favorite part of the Frankfurt airport? McCafé. Yes, I really just said that. The presentation was exquisite as I drank my delicious cappuccino and ate a candy donut.

Looks yummy, no?

Of course, the coffee was extremely necessary because I didn't sleep on the plane. Instead, I started and finished The Hunger Games. Now I finally get what all the hype is about, but somehow I doubt that the next books in the series could be as good. Anyone disagree?

Anyway, I finally arrived in Florence, which I have to say lives up to its reputation and how it looks in the movies. It's gorgeous and so classically Italian. In comparison to Paris, I would say that it's a) smaller and b) homier. So far so good. 

Days one and two I stayed at the Hotel Continentale, which is right next to the Ponte Vecchio (probably the most famous bridge in Florence). The hotel was gorgeous, had huge rooms, mood lighting, and a mod lobby. Definitely a nice way to start things off. And, I almost forgot to mention, it had AIR CONDITIONING. 

Why am I so obsessed with AC? Because, at the moment, Italy is hot, hot, HOT. Every day has listed a high temperature of 100, with actual temperatures peaking a few degrees above that. I don't think I'll ever get used to saying the temperature in Celsius.

Sweet rooms and mood lighting at the Hotel Continentale

After arriving and taking a brief nap, I got out of the air conditioning and onto the streets. One of the best things about Florence is that many of the streets are closed to cars and even when they aren't people walk on them anyway. It has a very lively vibe and you can feel the culture oozing out of the buildings and the statues that are scattered throughout the city. 

My aimless wanderings took me everywhere from the Piazza della Signoria (perhaps my favorite part of the city thus far) to the Duomo and back to the Ponte Vecchio and the area along the Arno River. 

Piazza della Signoria

Lights along the Arno

While I haven't gone to the museums yet, I have tried the food...and it's magnificent. Seafood, pizza, pasta, bruschetta,'s all good. 

And with that, I bid you adieu and promise more specifics in my upcoming posts. Ciao!

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